
Simon Mitchell

Deputy Manager, Contract Division

07778 406962

👋 Meet our team member, Simon Mitchell

👔 What team are you in & what do you specialise in?
Myself and Phil Wadsworth co-manage the Telecoms / Structured Cabling Contract desk. Our mission is to help our clients with their project work, either reactive or pre-planned rollouts, through the support of contract labour. The main aim is to provide good quality labour to ensure project deadlines are met, and delivered to a high standard. Equally, we want to ensure our best engineers are kept in work all year round and are well looked after. Every day is different and sets its own challenges and rewards. I love connecting the best people for the right job and get a kick out of everyone winning.

📜 Give a brief history about your work & how you got here.
Completely randomly! Through a mutual friend on an evening out. Came at the perfect time for me when I was in transition from the music industry, to owning a business, and then to Technical Resources.

🎉 What are the benefits of working at Technical Resources?
High performance and consistency are met with high reward, fast progression if deserved, internal promotions are encouraged and supported, good teamwork ethic and regular social events, and training & Support is available to anyone motivated to learn.

💪 What's the best thing about working at Technical Resources?
The people. New people coming into the company are always so surprised at how close and “family” like we are. TecRes will support those who share the right traits and attitudes towards goals and work ethics.

🌟 Tell us an interesting fact about yourself.
Spending 10 years in a touring band, travelling the world. Apparently it was a “job”.
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